Natural stone is a versatile and timeless material that adds character and elegance to our homes, but have you ever wondered about its journey from the quarry to your kitchen or bathroom?

What is natural stone?

Natural stone is a broad term encompassing minerals and rocks extracted directly from the earth. These materials are a product of millions of years of geological processes involving lava, minerals, and water, and are subsequently used in construction, design, and art. From sedimentary rocks like limestone and sandstone, to igneous rocks such as granite and basalt, and metamorphic rocks like marble and slate, each stone type offers unique aesthetic and physical properties. These characteristics influence their suitability for various applications.

Main types of stones

Geologically speaking, there are three primary types of natural stone: Igneous, Metamorphic, and Sedimentary.

Igneous rocks are formed when molten rock, known as magma or lava, cools and solidifies. This process can occur beneath the Earth’s surface or above ground after a volcanic eruption. Granite is a widely recognized igneous rock, but there are many other varieties, including basalt, dunite, rhyolite, and gabbro.

Sedimentary rocks are created over vast periods of time through the accumulation and compression of sediments. These sediments include fragments of other rocks, as well as the remains of plants and animals. Over time, the immense pressure exerted by the Earth’s upper layers solidifies these materials into rock. Common types of sedimentary rocks include limestone, dolomite, siltstone, and shale.

Metamorphic rocks are transformed versions of sedimentary or igneous rocks. Intense heat and pressure, often caused by proximity to magma or the immense weight of overlying rock, alter their structure and composition. These changes can also be influenced by chemical reactions. Familiar examples of metamorphic rocks include marble, soapstone, quartzite, jade, and gneiss.

Extraction and processing of natural stones

Natural stone extraction is a complex process that requires specialized equipment and expertise. Before these valuable materials can be transformed into building materials or decorative items, they must be carefully removed from the earth. This involves a series of below steps: 

Identifying Suitable Stone

The process begins with geologists carefully examining a quarry site for potential stone deposits. Once promising outcrops are found, stone samples are extracted and analyzed to determine their suitability for construction or other applications. Meeting specific quality standards is crucial for the stone to be commercially viable. Subsequently, acquiring the necessary permits and licenses from local authorities is a time-consuming process that can span several months or even years.

Preparing the quarry site

Once the necessary permits are secured, the arduous task of preparing the quarry site begins. Removing vegetation, debris, and other obstructions is the initial step. Given that many quarries are located in remote areas, constructing access roads or tunnels might be essential to facilitate the extraction process.

Stone blocks extraction

To separate the stone from the quarry face, a combination of advanced tools is used, including high-powered torches, diamond wire saws, and controlled explosions. Once detached, these massive stone blocks are carefully cut into smaller, manageable sizes using diamond cutters. Heavy machinery is then employed to lift and transport these blocks to waiting vehicles for further processing.

Transporting the stone blocks

Specialized heavy-duty trucks are employed to transport the massive stone blocks from the quarry to processing facilities. These vehicles navigate a route typically consisting of roads or tunnels specifically constructed for this purpose during the quarry preparation phase.

Processing and fabrication

To transform massive stone blocks into usable materials, they undergo a meticulous processing phase. These blocks are cut into smaller, commercially viable slabs, often in standard or custom dimensions. This process involves advanced cutting equipment and precise machinery operated in specialized facilities.

Once slabs are cut and polished to the desired finish, they are often sent to fabricators for final customization. Here, the slabs are further divided and shaped to meet specific project requirements. This includes cutting precise dimensions, creating intricate edge profiles, and preparing the stone for installation.

Natural stone from the quarry to your home

No matter the kind of natural stone you choose, you can be sure that it can help you achieve incredible designs and beauty that will last for many years.

To get the best out of natural stone’s properties for your kitchen or bathroom, request a quote from the experts at Landmark Countertops or visit our showroom in Kelowna, BC.